It's time to advance your career

Many job seekers put their job search on hold until after the New Year begins. After all, it can be a hectic time of year. Balancing professional and personal obligations, on top of hunting for a new job can be overwhelming. Some prefer to coast into the New Year, thinking hiring budgets are tapped out and the best jobs have been put on hold until next fiscal year. They couldn’t be more wrong.

PUBLISHED: 12/29/2019

PR 101

Hiring used to be seasonal. Now it’s on-demand. If a company decides they need a new employee, or if a current employee moves on, they won’t wait to start the hiring process. With millions of job openings in the U.S., and an active candidate pool of under 4%, hiring doesn’t stop during the holiday season, and neither should your job search.

Here are some compelling reasons to keep your job search going: 


Get a head start on your holiday job shopping – and the competition. Is it better to start your job search at the same time as the people who decide their New Year’s resolution is to get a new job? Keeping your job search going could give you a chance for an interview that you may not have landed during another time of year, when the candidate pool was more competitive. 

Let other job seekers put their job searches on hold and be less available to attend interviews—this will give you a competitive advantage from a timing perspective. If you keep up your efforts at a time when others are scaling back, it might help get your foot in the door more quickly.


Peace on earth, peace of mind. Update your résumé and LinkedIn profile immediately, garner some glowing recommendations, expand your network and work on your elevator pitch--- and you’ll be in good shape to interview for (or even start) a new job while others are still thinking about looking for one.


Networking during the holidays may be a great way to hear about new jobs that you might not otherwise know about, and to meet folks that might be in a position to hire you. Make a great impression and you’ll be fresh on peoples’ minds when new opportunities arise. 


It’s always nice to start January with your life in order. Having your compensation set for the year helps with budgeting, tax planning and even vacation planning. Better yet, a new job may bring a salary increase, which may provide you extra money to spend. 


Worried about losing your holiday PTO or first quarter bonus? A smart company will wait for a terrific talent. You can always try to negotiate a later start date, especially if there are holidays and bonuses involved.


If you're seeking a change, there’s no time like the present to kick off your job search.

Don't let your search get in the way of your end of year enjoyment, but don't let it keep you from landing the perfect role for you. If you start your search routine now, you'll be able to look for a new job AND enjoy the season. With any luck, you’ll be able ring in the New Year with a new job! 


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Happy Job Hunting!