Health Providers

A Memorable Conference: HITMC and the Power of Moments


PUBLISHED: 5/13/2019

Post Tradeshow Tips

I’m still coming off a HITMC high after a few days among my fellow Health IT marketers and communicators. It was a conference full of firsts as a first-timer in my own right: my first time in Boston, my first time speaking at a conference and the first time meeting many in HITMC’s online community (who I get to interact with daily on Twitter) in person.


The best thing about firsts is that they become memorable moments, things you don’t easily forget.


Dan Heath, our keynote speaker, spent his time with us talking about the power of moments as it relates to marketing. He stressed that if we forget to create remarkable moments, we’re left with forgettable experiences, and the best way to have an idea stick with someone is to have them experience it.


Moments build relationships, trust

While at HITMC, I got to speak about partnerships and relationship building with one of our client partners, Lea Chatham at Solutionreach (if you’re interested in the topic, check out our pre-conference Q&A ). Our session centered around a relationship the teams have developed over the years that’s built on a foundation of defining moments, leading to success as partners with a shared goal.


Something that many times gets lost in the transactional atmosphere of the working world is that people are still people who crave connection. Whether you’re in a B2B or B2C industry, your goal is to connect with people. Herein lies the value of marketing, public relations, communications and technology: they’re all vehicles to create relationship-building moments and remarkable experiences.


Community as a driver of remarkable experiences

HITMC as a community is a great example of one of those facilitators to remarkable experiences. In that spirit, we’re looking forward to sponsoring the HITMC meetup in Atlanta Tuesday, June 11 to share in the creation of moments that matter. Stay tuned for more information!


And no matter where you are there’s always a community online for you at #HITMC – join us for the best GIFs and amazing healthcare marketing opinions.